Another lively discussion among the seven who attended.
Initially a somewhat off-topic discussion ensued in which the viability of future meetings (with the need to fund weekly room hire) was discussed.
Eventually we focused on the subject of the day, that of discussing some of the key concepts in the book "The courage to be disliked".
For one who has read the book, the benefits were reported to be significant ('life altering'). Instead of seeking to blame some past difficulty or trauma, the question as to what is the purpose of present behaviours or circumstances was revealing, and found to be exceedingly useful in understanding our present anxieties and discomfort.
A few real-life examples were shared, in which asking about the goal, or purpose of certain experiences (one example was that of regularly socializing with a 'friend' even though there was a sense of disquiet about doing so), revealed the true nature of the disquiet or angst, etc. Rather than simply operating on 'auto-pilot' and feeling uneasy, when we question the goal, or purpose of our behaviours, a great deal of insight can be gained.
However, that introspective approach of questioning the purpose of our feelings -- our disquiets, or other issues -- was not of particular interest to everyone present at the meeting. With that in mind, some of the key organizers decided to discontinue the group, at least in its present form. Future events might be scheduled, and notice of the event to be forwarded to the membership.
Consequently, next week's presentation by Kate, will be the last regularly-scheduled meeting for the group, unless others wish to step forward to organize accordingly.
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